intandem News

Celebrating two years of intandem’s young person group InVoice
intandem had a celebratory day at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s Edinburgh Zoo on Saturday 4 March 2023.
Joined by more than 100 children and young people, mentors, charity partners, funders and the Minister for Children and Young People, Clare Haughey The occasion was to celebrate the second anniversary of InVoice, intandems young person group who meet every other month to discuss issues that affect them and how to make intandem’s mentoring the best it can be for children and young people across Scotland.
Our InVoice representatives took centre stage with one brave young person addressing all attending and introducing the Minister.
The group enjoyed a day at the zoo alongside some delicious food, crafts and a short talk from the Minister which highlighted the importance of the partnership and the vital impact of mentoring and to keep The Promise, Scottish Government’s pledge that every young person in Scotland can grow up feeling safe, loved and respected.
About intandem
intandem is Scotland’s national mentoring programme, working with children and young people aged eight to 14 with care experience.
Working with 12 partner charities, young people are matched with a volunteer mentor who gives them a scaffolding of support by meeting every week to help them set and achieve their goals.
intandem is funded by Scottish Government and The Robertson Trust and managed by Inspiring Scotland.
Find out more about intandem here.
Sign up to be a volunteer mentor here.
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