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Activities for online and outdoors
Activities for matches to try
It can be hard to think up activities and ideas for an outing or online meeting when you are just getting to know a young person.
It’s important to strike a balance between being flexible and open and being well prepared in advance of a meeting. Always good to be over prepared! Coordinators can encourage mentors to have some ideas ready to suggest and a back-up plan if the first idea doesn’t go down well.
During the winter lockdown, Jo at Kirkcaldy YMCA presented online to a group of 50 volunteer mentors from across the portfolio to suggest activities ideas for both online and outdoors to help volunteers plan their weekly sessions with mentees. Normally the planning of activities can be shared, with both mentee and mentor making suggestions, but mentors should still aim to have some ideas in their back pocket just in case.
Jo’s presentation is here to download and share.
Thinking outside the box – activities presentation
After the discussion groups on the night, we collated the following activities list to share: